Habitat Restoration in Capertee Valley

Date(s) - Friday 31 March, 2023 - Sunday 02 April, 2023
12:00 am


Hi all,

Last year a few of us went to Capertee Valley to plant native trees with Greater Sydney Landcare and Capertee Valley Landcare. They are hosting another Habitat Restoration activity on 1st-2nd April!

I’d love to have a group of us going again! It was an incredibly memorable weekend last time and I’m super keen to go again. Capertee is absolutely beautiful, being the world’s second largest canyon.

Please note this is not a UTS OAC trip, but I am happy to help organise carpool and may be able to help lend some camping equipment to. Please register if you need a lift or are happy to transport others, noting down if you are a driver or passenger, and if you need to borrow anything for camping.

The full event details can be found in the link below. You will also need to register through the Eventbrite to be able to attend the event.


My summary of the weekend:
Optional – Friday Fisheries Update – 1:30-15:30pm at Glen Davis Hall. Info and tour about habitat assessment works.
Saturday Planting: 9:00am in the Glen Davis Reserve on Canobla Ave. Planting native species, tackling invasive weeds and maintaining plantings from last year.
Saturday Dinner (optional and limited numbers): Dinner provided (free) for those that register with this option.
Sunday: Guided tour or do your own thing. I’m keen to the From the Paddock cafe for lunch after the tour.

We will be camping at Glen Davis Campground, and will have use of the hall there which includes a kitchen and fridge.

Arrival options:
Drive down Friday morning and attend Fisheries update + camp at Glen Davis.
Drive after work on Friday + camp at Glen Davis.
Drive very early Saturday to get there for 9am (there is no reception so make sure you know where to go ahead of time).
Drive halfway Friday night –> camp somewhere along the way, and drive the rest of the way Sat morning.

This will ultimately be decided by each driver.

Happy to answer any questions.


This event is for members only.