Date(s) - Saturday 15 June, 2024 - Sunday 16 June, 2024
12:00 am
first aid training
Remote First Aid Training for UTSOAC Club Members
As part of ensuring that our club continues to be able to offer the trips we do, part of our obligations are to ensure that we have members in the club who are certified in First Aid, and if possible are also certified in Remote Area First Aid. We have arranged for a private training course with 5star training for UTSOAC members for those who are interested to complete their Remote Area First Aid training.
What do I get from attending the training:
Completing this training will give you certification for “Provide First Aid” and “Provide Remote First Aid”, both of which are valid for three years. Please note that as this training is being provided by an external training organisation, if you are on an international student via you will need to confirm you are eligible to participate in training with an additional RTO
Logistics Information:
The training will be on the 15th and 16th of June in Katoomba at the 5star Training office opposite Aldi. Attendees will need to be present for both days in order to complete the certification. Carpooling can be arranged as needed for those who need a lift. Attendees will need to arrange their own accommodation in the area.
The course is being done at a discounted rate of $280.00 per person, compared to a typical Remote Area First Aid course which is in the $350.00+ range. Payment to UTSOAC is required before you will be accepted on this trip. Trip Leaders are eligible for partial reimbursement of these costs subject to the criteria that can be found on the MyOAC portal. If the upfront cost is a barrier, please email and we will try to find a solution.
Who can register:
Anyone can register, however you will not be accepted as “confirmed” until after payment for the course has been made and confirmed by the committee treasurer. While it is preferred that Trip Leaders attend this course, if space allows we will also allow other members to join as well.
What if I sign up and can’t attend:
If you sign up and cannot attend, we’ll do our best to help find someone who can take your place that you can transfer your place to, but we will not be able to provide a refund.
If you have any questions, please email
Participants are closed for this activity.