[CANCELLED] Just Climb Up: Rock Skill 1 at Dural

Date(s) - Sunday 19 February, 2023
All Day


Have you got tired of indoor gym and been thinking about climbing outdoor? Come and join us on this trip. It is perfectly suited for you who have never climbed outdoor before!!

This climbing trip will give members the basic skills to be able to climb outdoors, and to join other club climbing trips.

What we will cover
– Personal safety near cliffs,
– Pre-climb safety checks,
– Communications,
– Performing a belay,
– Basic rock climbs on top rope.

Who is this trip for
– Those who have no climbing experience, or
– Those who have done some climbing indoors.

When & Where
– Sunday 19th February (whole day)
– Dural https://www.thecrag.com/en/climbing/australia/north-west/area/663606603

The club will provide you with all climbing gear for the trip. If you have your own gear you are welcome to bring it. Whilst not a requirement for rock skills 1, bringing your own pair of climbing shoes will really make your day more enjoyable!

Registration opens on 15 Feb.

See you there,


This event is for members only.