1.1. The name of the club is ‘The UTS Outdoor Adventure Club’.
2.1. The following terms unless indicated to the contrary, shall mean:
a) Club: The UTS Outdoor Adventure Club.
b) Union: UTS Union.
c) UTS: The University of Technology, Sydney.
d) Student: A registered student of the University of Technology, Sydney.
3.1. The objectives of the club shall be to:
a) Encourage, foster, promote, develop, extend and govern rucksack sports within the University.
b) Become affiliated with the Union.
c) Subscribe to, become a member of, amalgamate and/or co operate with any organisation(s) whose objects are altogether or in part, similar to those of the club.
d) Provide members with an opportunity to become involved in the Club’s activities with minimal personal financial cost.
e) Engender a club attitude towards exercising safety in all club activities specifically high risk sports such as abseiling, canyoning and rock climbing.
4.1. Membership shall be open to all UTS Advantage Program members, and to all other persons satisfying the requirements of membership as determined by the Committee. The fee for Non Advantage Program members must be at least twice that paid by Advantage Program Members.
4.2. Membership of any member may be terminated by:
a) Lodging with the Secretary written notice of resignation.
b) Ceasing to be a financial member.
c) Expulsion by the Committee.
5.1 The Committee shall:
a) Consist of (at a minimum) President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Quartermaster and Training Officer.
b) Manage the affairs of the club in accordance with this Constitution and subject to the decisions of a General Meeting.
c) Be elected to office for a period of one year at the Annual General Meeting. Newly elected Committee members must accept the office in person during the AGM or give prior consent to hold the office.
d) Allow members to voluntarily resign from their duties. Resignations are to be directed in writing to the President.
e) Convene a Special General Meeting to remove a Committee member from their position if the Committee member is deemed to not be fulfilling the duties required of their role. The inability of a Committee member to fulfil their duties is to be determined by the affirmative vote of two thirds of the members present at the Special General Meeting. The meeting may happen in the absence of the Committee member in consideration.
f) Committee roles left vacant as per the proceedings described in 5.1 (d) and/or (e) may be filled in by a replacement approved by an ordinary Committee vote. In such case the replacing person becomes a sitting member of the Committee unti
5.2 The President shall on behalf of the Committee submit a report on the conduct of affairs of the club at the Annual General Meeting, and shall be Chairperson and preside at all meetings at which he/she is present.
5.3 The Vice President shall assist the President and act as President in his/her absence.
5.4 The Secretary shall keep a record of all business transacted at all meetings, conduct all correspondence, carry out the directions of the Committee and keep a register of all members.
5.5 The Treasurer shall receive all monies of the Club and deposit them in the Club’s bank account, pay accounts as directed by the Committee, keep such records of receipts and payments as may be directed by the Committee and present a statement of accounts at each regular meeting of the Committee. He/she shall present the annual statement of accounts and balance sheet for the preceding financial year to the Auditor each year at least two weeks before the Annual General Meeting and shall present the Audited statement and Balance sheet at the Annual General Meeting. Should the Treasurer be absent or ill, or neglect or refuse to do anything required to be done by him/her under these rules, the Committee may appoint any member of the Committee to act in his/her stead.
6.1 The Financial year shall commence on the first day of January.
6.2 The President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer of the club for the time being shall be ex officio Trustees of the club and the property of the club shall be deemed to be vested in them in trust for the members of the club, and they shall deal with the property of the club as directed from time to time by the committee. Any action, suit or other proceeding may be taken or brought on behalf of the club by and in the names of the Trustees. The Trustees, or any two of them are hereby empowered to sign, seal and otherwise execute and complete all debentures, securities, leases and any other documents required to be executed, to effectuate any dealings with the Club’s property or any transaction in connection with the Club’s affairs which have been authorised by the Committee.
6.3 The trustees shall open and maintain in the name and on behalf of the Club an account at a branch or agency of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia.
6.4 Monies shall not be drawn except by cheque or orders signed by two Trustees or by the Secretary of UTS Union who may act as sole signatory on all accounts.
6.5 The Auditor shall be appointed by the Committee.
6.6 The Auditor shall conduct an audit of the Club’s accounts and balance sheet for the financial year preceding the Annual General Meeting and furnish a report thereon, as an addendum to the Treasurer’s report, to the Annual General Meeting.
7.1 In the absence of both the President and the Vice President, the Committee members present shall appoint a chairperson for that meeting.
7.2 The Annual General Meeting shall be held in the first two weeks of January each year. The quorum at Annual General Meetings shall be 10 members.
7.3 Ordinary General Meetings shall be held at such times, dates and places as may be decided at the Annual General Meeting. Quorums at Ordinary General Meeting shall be 5 financial members.
7.4 A Special General Meeting shall be called within twenty one (21) days of the receipt, by the Secretary, of an application for such a meeting in writing by any thirty (30) financial members.
a) The Committee may convene a Special General Meeting when it considers fit.
b) Quorums at Special General Meetings shall be ten, (10) members.
7.5 Notice of the Annual and Ordinary General Meetings include time, place and businesses to be transacted shall be displayed prominently on the Club’s website at least seven clear days before the date of any such meeting.
7.6 Notice of all Special General Meetings shall be given to all financial members of the Club at least seven days before the date of any such meeting.
7.7 The Committee shall meet as often as it may deem necessary and at least once in each semester. Quorums at Committee Meetings shall be three (3) members.
8.1 The Committee may expel a member of the Club if in their opinion the member has either persistently refused to comply with the rules and regulations of the Club or has acted in a manner prejudicial to the interests of the club.
8.2 A resolution to expel a member must be passed by three quarters of those voting and shall not be considered unless the member concerned has been given written notice detailing the nature of the charge, at least fourteen
(14) days prior to the date of the Committee meeting at which the resolution is to be considered.
8.3 A member facing discipline proceedings shall be entitled to attend the Committee meeting at which the resolution is to be considered or may submit a written statement to be tabled at the meeting in answer to the charge.
8.4 If the Committee resolves to expel the member, the member shall have the right to appeal to the next General Meeting. Such an appeal shall be made in writing to the Secretary and must be made within fourteen (14) days of receiving notification of the Committee’s decision. The lodging of an appeal will suspend the committee decision until the matter is considered by the General Meeting.
8.5 If at the next General Meeting the members present pass a special resolution in favour of the resolution made by the Committee, the resolution is confirmed and effective from the date of confirmation.
9.1 Amendments to this Constitution may be made by the affirmative vote of two thirds of the members present at the Annual General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting convened for the purpose of amending this Constitution.
9.2 Notice of motion concerning any such amendment shall be lodged with the secretary at least twenty one (21) days prior to the date of such meeting, and at least seven days’ notice shall be given of such proposed amendment to every, member, and a copy of the notice shall be exhibited on the Club’s website for a similar period.
9.3 Details of any amendment that has been duly approved by the members shall be given to the Secretary of the Union within seven (7) days of such amendment being adopted.
10.1 The club may be dissolved by resolution at a Special General Meeting, provided that the motion of dissolution be supported by three quarters of the members present.
10.2 Upon dissolution, all funds and properties of the club shall thenceforth be vested in the Union, which shall proceed to wind up the affairs of the club.