Claustral Canyon

Date(s) - Sunday 15 January, 2023
All Day


Claustral Canyon

Let’s attempt to get further than last time…

God knows how many times you have been there…pumped up, geared up, even descended down to the 1st abseil…but the last 2 years of La Nina, held you back from entering the Black Hole of Calcutta…2023, The heavens have cleared, and blue sky reigns this summer.

It’s time to stand on the green Hulk fist.

Priority will be given to those who have made repeated attempts over the past 2 years to enter the guts of the canyon.

Experience in ascending ropes or even hauling is handy, just in case.
God forbid, should we need to reverse the canyon again.
But hey some people do it for fun!

Early start. Long day. Experienced canyoners only.
Considered hard, with lots of rocks scrambles, and a long steep walk out, with wet canyons in between.
Need drivers with cars. Tbh, I require a lift!

This trip is now split into 2 groups.
4 leaders: Susan, Evan, Denis, Ron

Track notes:

Susan and Evan


This activity is fully booked.