DOUTS Social SCUBA Diving Trip

Date(s) - Saturday 17 August, 2024
12:00 am


Hello Everyone!

For anyone in the club who is a currently certified SCUBA diver, the Diving Organisation of UTS (DOUTS) is running a new semester social dive and BBQ this weekend at Shelley Beach. As part of this, DOUTS have invited UTSOAC members who are interested to join them. If you aren’t a certified SCUBA diver, you are welcome to attend as a snorkeler, however please be aware that this is not a training event for you to become a certified diver.

To join this trip, you will need to be a member of DOUTS. DOUTS have offered a 12-month free membership to UTSOAC members who sign up, please use the discount code “OAC 2024” when registering on their website and provide a screenshot of your current membership from the MyOAC home page.

BCD, tank, weight, and regulator hire from DOUTS is available if required, and is $40 per set. Members will need to arrange their own fins, mask, wetsuit and any other accessories. The closest rental location to Shelley Beach is Dive Centre Manly.

Please note that this event is being run by DOUTS, not UTSOAC. All registrations must be via the DOUTS website ( and any questions sent through to


This event is for members only.