EOI – New Trip Leaders: How to run a canyoning trip

Date(s) - Sunday 22 September, 2024
All Day


Hi all

Canyoning season is around the corner, so it’s time to get ready!
If you’re a new Trip Leader and would like to co-lead canyoning trips this summer, but feel a bit unsure about how to actually do it, I’m happy to run a hands-on practice session on one of the coming weekends.
That means I’ll take a small group of new Trip Leaders to a nice and easy Blue Mountains canyon to practice: how to organise a trip, storage pick up and return, OAC best practice during the trip, setting up abseils, efficiency (in particular on trips with newbies and large groups).
If this sounds like something you’d like to do to get you ready for the upcoming season, then please sign up for this EOI. If we get enough interest, we’ll discuss details including the actual date.

– You have successfully completed the OAC Trip Leader Induction.recently.
– You have the skills and training to become a Trip Leader for canyoning trips.
– You’re okay with cold water given it’s only September…



This event is for members only.