Jugglers Canyon – for beginners!

Date(s) - Sunday 07 August, 2022
All Day


Hey! You’ve learnt to abseil, and now you are keen to test your skills on an actual outdoors trip. Jugglers canyon is great way to progress your new skills and pave the way for more complex and technical canyon trips.
You will take in spectacular scenery in these beautiful canyons. We will be building up the abseils from smaller to larger ones, so you can build up your confidence. This is a great day out, and while not technically a *wet* canyon, you will get plenty of waterfall action!

Please read the trip notes, and make an informed decision on whether this is a trip for you:

We will do our best to organise transport for those who don’t own a car.
Registrations will close if the trip fills up. Information regarding gear, travel arrangements and so on will be sent to successful applicants by Thursday lunch time at the latest, so keep an eye on emails.


– Must have done Abseil skills 1, or have prior abseiling experience (please give me details in the comments section of what abseiling you’ve done or when you attended Abseil Skills 1).
– Able to swim at least 15 meters unassisted
– reasonable fitness/no debilitating injuries
– Comfortable with scrambling around boulders, logs and other obstacles
– Must respond to all emails promptly

We are looking forward to taking you canyoning!


This event is for members only.